Friday, November 29, 2019

Trade Union Development Essay Example

Trade Union Development Essay Trade Union Development in Jamaica Trinidad Tobago Trade Unionism: Hugh W. Springer ? Trade Unionism is an instrument of social change and progress. It had to be invented because it is a necessary part of the apparatus of democratic government in modern industrial society. In the West Indies the Trade Union Movement came into existence as part of the larger movement for the freedom and independent nationhood. ? Economic Conditions that contributed to Discontentment in the Region ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1st Great Depression late 19th Century Low Wages / Increased mechanisation of processes (affected mostly women) Rising Prices / Rising Cost of Living Increasing Unemployment Underemployment Reduction in Working Hours 1929 Financial Crisis in the USA Other: – – – No Machinery to air grievances Lack of political and legal rights Unsanitary working conditions Role of the Media ? ? ? Dissemination of information that reached the masses (Newspapers) but National Newspaper promoted capitalist interests Audio and Visual information through Radio broadcast and news reels at cinemas Case: A group of intellectuals developed a radical critique that help to shape a new political culture in Trinidad, they did so through – – – – A literary journal called Trinidad The beacon magazine There was also a similar type of vehicle used in Jamaica called the Plain Talk, a Garveyite weekly newspaper edited by Alfred Mendez Public Opinion used by local intellectuals to write letters and articles We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Union Development specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Union Development specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Union Development specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer World Events as well as Social Factors that Contributed to Greater Levels of Consciousness at a Regional Level attacks on the Abyssinians – aroused anti-white feelings among the blacks ? Italian ? The repatriation of Labourers who had gone to Latin America ?Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association which increased class solidarity and the advocacy of Trade Unionism as well as it contributed to the spread of Marxist ideas – workers had taken power and property from the Capitalist ? Russia ? Ex-servicemen returning home after World War 1 Welcome to Jamaica â€Å"Gud feh si yuh† Conditions Unique to Jamaica ? ? ? ? ? Crisis in Banana Production Mass migration in Kingston and St. Andrew Areas (urban) The Radicalisation of Waterfront Workers The influence of Marcus Garvey (who was deported back to JA from the US in1927) The Emergence of Rastafarianism – Leonard Howell Late 19th Century ? ? ? Angry protest broke out in many of the colonies Trade Unions were still illegal At least 16 serious disturbances occurred between 1884-1905 according to Bolland – – Most in Jamaica (1884,1894,1895,1901,1902 1912) Trinidad 1903 Jamaica ? ? ? The largest economy of the region They took the lead in confronting the Colonial Power-Structure Their history of rebellion – – Maroons victory in 1738 Morant Bay Rebellion in 1865 – in which Governor Eyre had to expeditiously abolish the Representative type Government and it found approval with the colonial office – New Constitution introduced – Crown Colony The Representative Type of Government Governors (representing the Imperial Powers) Conflict over power in the system particularly concerning finance Legislators (local vested Interest) Local Crown Colony Structure Resident Governor (Autocratic Power) Executive Council (Policy – making) Legislative Assembly Nominated (majority) / Elected (minority) Jamaica ? Brief Overview – – – Prior to emancipation (during apprenticeship) there was a noticeable trek of wage labour Land acquisition had become popular among former slaves By the 1860s the majority of the labour force comprised of small farmers, peasants, rural (nonstate) labourers and independent semi-skilled tradesman – growing Black Middle Class Jamaica Pre 1930 ? ? ? Between World War I II, there were more vocalising of colonial exploitation and oppression The Mass movement Bedwardism, a quasireligious body of unemployed labourers was becoming popular The movement of Garveyism – philosophy of negritude improvement and denunciation of the white-power regime United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) Jamaica Pre 1930 Cont’d ? ? Both Bedwardism Garveyism as Mass Movements suffered from the alienation of the Middle-Class Jamaicans But the Middle Class too was involved in the struggle with several quasi-political nationalist organisations – – – Social Reconstruction League The National Reform Association The Jamaica Progressive League Early Organised Labour ? ? ? Workers at the Kingston Ice Factory went on strike in 1917 and several were imprisoned In 1918 tram and dock workers began organising Several strikes took place in 1918 as a matter of fact a strike among sugar workers resulted in violent police action where 3 people were killed and several others injured Early Organised Labour Con’t ? ? ? In 1919 railway workers formed a ‘union under cover’ called the Workingmen’s Cooperative Association Bain-Alves with the help of Alfred Mends formed the Jamaican federation of Labour (JFL) – a group of small unions The JFL petitioned the Governor for legal and official recognition for Trade Unions, which saw the TU Law became law in Oct. 25th 1919 The Trade Union Law ? ? ? Conferred legal status on registered Trade Unions and protected them from prosecution for conspiracy and unlawful combinations It did not confer immunity for Union and workers from liability of tort or breach of Contract It did not legalise peaceful picketing The strikes and organisation of workers in 1917 1918 provided the necessary pressure that resulted in the legalisation of TUs Post 1930 ? ? ? ? ? Labour protest took place in 1935 along the North Coast although it was peaceful, armed forces were sent One person died, several people injured and several arrests were made In 1936 the Jamaica Workers and Tradesmen Union (JWTU) was formed and lead by A. G. S. Coombs and H. C. Buchanan Hunger marches followed in Kingston and Spanish Town led by L. W. Rose, a shoemaker and by UNIA organiser L. E. Barnett In 1937 there was a middle class reform – the National Reform Association (NRA) – Noel Nethersole (President); Ken Hill (Secretary) and F. A. Glasspole – they had formed a radical, socially active network Post 1930 Cont’d ? ? ? ? Manley’s Jamaicans’ Labour Party was launched in April 1937 Manley had won the trust of the Colonial Officials He had refused to run for elections as well as to become the president of the NRA saying that the problems in Jamaica were social and economic not political So up to 1938 the two most serious attempts to organize working people were the JWTU and the Poor Man’s Improvement Land Settlement and Labour Association (PMILSLA) William Alexander Bustamante ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Opportunitist or Hero of the Working class? While Coombs and Buchanan were financially pressed in an attempt to organize workers into the JWTU, they accepted assistance from Bustamante, who was a money lender He became the Union’s Treasurer in 1936 He went to Cuba at the age of 21, then moved to Panama a few years later before moving back to Cuba In 1928 he tried a dairy business in Jamaica but by 1932 he was in New York calling himself Alejandro Bustamanti In 1934 he finally returned to Jamaica He became a prolific writer of letters to the press and in 1936 was speaking at meetings, thus gaining popularity Bustamante challenged Coombs for the leadership of the JWTU but Coombs resigned before it could officially happened Bustamante after facing opposition from Coombs supporters quitted from the Union April June 1938 ? ? ? ? ? According to Bolland – first was the riot and strike at Frome Estate in Westmoreland between April 29th – May 2nd Protest, Strikes and uprising in Kingston between May 2nd – M ay 28th Mainly Dock workers Many Demonstrations, Riots and ‘Rolling Strikes’ throughout the Island between May 23rd – June 11th All of which were confronted by the armed forces Bustamante and Grant were charged with Sedition, inciting people to assemble unlawfully and refusing to move on when ordered to and taken to jail Cont’d ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? With the incarceration of the two Manley took a more prominent role using the ame strategy as Bustamante as a mediator opposed to trade union leader A state of emergency was declared By this time Bustamante was becoming a martyr and Hart and Buchanan did not want workers to return to work until Bustamante and Grant were released The Dock workers also did not want Manley’s advice In essence, Manley’s role as mediator was accepted by the Government and Employers but was rejected by the Waterfront workers This laid the foundation for the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU) according to Bolland The Governor appointed a board of conciliation In response Manley announced the creation of a Labour Committee which was the foundation of the Labour Party in Jamaica (political strategy) Hart and Buchanan cooperated with the committee Cont’d ? ? ? Manley was instrumental in the release of Bustamante on May 28th 1938 who was greeted by a large crowd but he claimed credit for doing better than Manley in terms of negotiating increases on their behalf Because of this impression created by Bustamante he was able to get workers to return to work Both cousins then worked with the Conciliation Board to settle other claims before it Rebellions after the Release of Bustamante ? ? ? ? ? ? On May 30 Mandeville in Manchester was full of demonstrations Roads were blocked and telephone wires cut in Santa Cruz and Black River in St Elizabeth Banana workers were on strike in St Mary, St Cathrine and Portland The strike at Prospect Estate in Hanover and Islington on June 2nd and 3rd respectively Several people were killed and more injured Both Bustamante and Manley travelled around the country trying to get strikers to accept offers made to them as they saw the bigger problem being unemployment Aftermath ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The state intervened with a land settlement scheme, tools, seeds, etc According to the Commissioner’s report eight people were killed, scores injured both law enforcers and civilians and over four hundred person were convicted and given punishments Rivalry emerged between the two cousins Manley founded the Peoples National Party (PNP) British Fabian Socialism in September 1938 Nationalistic An autocratic style of leadership was developed by Bustamante Bustamante registered his Union on 23rd January 1939 – Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU) labouristic The rules constituted him as president for life and gave him power to control its funds and to appoint a committee of Management – authoritarian style of leadership Disunity ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Within the Trade Union Movement itself there was a rivalry between Bustamante (President of BITU) and Coombs (President of JWTU) The BITU was growing rapidly and leaders from the JWTU were changing alliances But the JWTU remained popular among the banana and dock workers in St James After a worker who was also a member of the JWTU told Grant (BITU) his union is not wanted there an altercation ensued Bustamante then called an Islandwide strike Some workers heeded to the call and as a result a State of Emergency was issued The strike was a major failure and blow to the TU movement Disunity Cont’d ? ? ? Bustamante broke the truce and broke away from the Trade Union Advisory Council Protection from state for â€Å"strike breakers† Despite the evidence of need for unity the movements remained divided Analysis of the Rebellion ? Locality – – Rural interest in land ownership Urban – more proletarianised ? ? ? Relations between Capital and Labour Levels of consciousness and organization of workers Known contradictions by the state Impact of the Rebellion in Jamaica ? ? ? ? ? ? It provided an experience in labour politics that irreversibly changed the colony’s political culture It wrung several concessions from the colonial government Bustamante and Manley were promoted to the status of Leaders of the Labour and Nationalist Movement Appointment of a board of Conciliation – to settle labour disputes and make recommendations to relieve unemployment this was also an indication of acceptance for negotiation between employees and employers Changes were made in the Jamaica’s Constitution in 1944 where the British-style Westminster Model was adopted The achievement of Universal Suffrage in 1944 Jamaica in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? Bustamante was arrested from September 8th 1940 to 8th February 1942 Manley and the PNP’s left stepped in to revive the BITU There was a call from the PNP’s left wing for unity between the movements based on race and class consciousness which contributed to the growth of the anti-colonial and nationalist mov ement The PNP headed by Manley advocated for constitutional reform by demanding a Bicameral legislature. Manley was also in favour of a Federation After Bustamante’s release the coalition was solidified between the BITU and the PNP with the mandate of changing the government but this collaboration was brief and ended in February 1942 Jamaica in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? ? Despite the truce to keep the peace strikes broke out in St Thomas in 1940 (sugar workers) Leaders started demanding the publication of the Moyne Commission Report All strikes failed In 1942 there was an imposing of several restrictions through legislation again – Defence Projects and Essential Services (Trade Disputes) order Mid-1942 Jamaica was in serious crisis – increased unemployment The Citizens Emergency Council (CEC) was formed in May 1942 and included groups such as JTUC, JUWU, UNIA, FCA, Jamaica Union of Teachers as well as the Capitalist Association Jamaica in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? ? Henry and several other union activists lost their jobs on the railway and as a result they started to organise government workers Richards moved to have the unions not recognised as he saw potential danger for the transport system The Authorized Associations (Government Departments) (Defence) Regulation was passed to make it impossible for non-government employees to lead unions as it forbid membership of persons who were not government employees The GREU in particular cabled Citrine to intervene and Manley filed for an injunction against the Governor The 4Hs were detained under the same regulation but eventual the British government revoked it and restored the right for government employees to select their own officials These efforts however did not equate into similar numbers as the BITU base Manley / PNP / NWU’s Operations ? ? ? ? Manley’s PNP contributed to the constitutional change towards self-government in 1943 Aimed at uniting all the classes in Jamaica The PNP ’s policy was formally socialist Manley expelled the â€Å"4 Hs† in 1952 and formed the National Workers Unions (NWU) which was largely responsible for his victory in the 1955 elections Bustamante / BITU / JLP ? ? ? ? ? ? Bustamante did not really campaign for constitutional reform but was priming himself for the opportunity when it came through the formation of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Instead the JLP advocated a conservative reformist policy which aimed to narrow the socio-economic gap JLP was supported by the old propertied elite In essence there was the formation of an alliance between the leading labour leader and the leading capitalist The BITU won elections in 1946 and as Minister of Communications became a source of additional power and as a promotional opportunity The BITU also expanded its power through closed shop agreements and took a law order stance in dealing with IA Violent Clashes Between the BITU/JLP PNP/NWU ? ? On October 20th 1947 – at Trench Pen left several BITU/JLP members dead and wounded PNP Supporter – J. Nicholas after being threatened by the BITU gang shot and killed Clifford Reid Jamaica Conclusion ? ? The evolution of self-government weakened the abi lity of organised labour to influence class structure and class relations Political reforms created competitions within the labour movement at the expense of meaningful social change Trinidad and Tobago An Overview ? ? ? ? ? ? Slavery had lasted a relatively short period of time in T compared to Jamaica and other Islands The Building up of the Mass Movement was much slower because there was no common base upon which that spirit of national consciousness could have been forged Middle class support however, was quicker and forthcoming The earliest and longest lasting organisation of working people in the British Caribbean was the Trinidad Workingmen’s Association (TWA) – 1897 – it had two divisions TWA was involved in Political reform than it was in Trade Unionism By WWI there was no organisation devoted to the rank-andfile workers’ T Pre 1930 ? ? ? The general social system mirror that of the UK In the 1830s in the UK Trade Unions had not been fully established It was only in the latter half of the 19th Century that the legislative and institutional framework was attaining that stage of development which would enable a free labour movement to emerge T Pre 1930 Cont’d ? ? ? ? ? In 1917 workers in oil and asphalt industries were involved in serious disturbances The strikes had all failed Strikers were arrested and some were given prison sentences The TWA by 1919 became the main agency for collective political and industrial action Although still illegal organised Labour was clearly progressing Three Main Sectors ? ? Sugar Cocoa †¢Prices depressed due to drop in world prices in early 1920s (2nd Great Depression) †¢ mechanisation of the production processes – increased unemployment ? Oil – although substantial profits workers earned little T Post 1930 ? ? ? ? New radical leadership started to develop Politically motivated militant groups began to agitate and organise workers including the unemployed TWA had become less effective and united as an organisation A rival organisation called the Trinidad and Tobago Trade Union centre was formed and gained popularity in the 1930s T Post 1930 Cont’d ? ? ? ? ? The Trade Union Ordinance came into being in 1932 It made Trade Unions legal However it did not legalise peaceful picketing and provided immunity for them from legal actions for damages arising out of strike actions In 1934 however, Butler did not register a Trade Union instead it was a political party named Trinidad Labour Party (TLP) There was increasing dissatisfaction within the TWA/TLP over Cipriani’s authoritarian leadership T Post 1930 Cont’d ? ? ? A series of hunger marches and demonstrations were taking place between 1933-1935 Several new organisations were formed and they attacked Cipriani’s leadership of the Labour movement, mobilised workers and initiated new, radical labour politics In fact there was a hunger march to the Governor in the Red House in June 1933 T Post 1930 Cont’d ? ? In 1934 the National Unemployment Movement formed by Elma Francois, Jim Barrette and Jim Headley who organised demonstrations that spread like wildfire through the country By 1935 the NUM had transformed itself into an organisation with more broadly defined goals but narrower social base, the Negro Welfare Cultural and Social Association (NWCSA) T 1935 – Activities that paved the way for the Labour Riots of 1937 ? ? ? ? ? ? Apex Oilfields went on strike During a hungry march to POS organised by Butler and Rojas they were stopped by police and Cipriani This event marked the start of Butler’s rise as a labour leader in the oilfields of southern Trinidad Links were also made between Butler and NWCSA The Trinidad Citizens’ League (TCL) founded by Adrian Cola Rienzi who was crazed about Indian nationalism and world socialism Butler and Rojas were a part of the TCL as well 1936 ? ? ? Butler started his party called the British Empire Workers and Citizens Home Rule Party (BEWCHRP) He declared himself â€Å"Chief Servant† He was not a revolutionary but a traditional leader according to Bolland†¦. he had socialist and anti-imperialist ideas like Rienzi and NWCSA who really provided leadership direction and organisation for the emergence of Trade Unions Where there Employers Organisations all the while? ? Yes T 1937 ? ? ? Poor working conditions fuelled labour riots and strikes from June 1937 Tubal Uriah Butler had become the catalyst that was needed for industrial action in the oil districts Butler and his organisers planned peaceful (sit-down) strikes restricted to the Oil Industry June 1937 ? ? ? The strikes were carded for June 22nd but due to information from the armed forces it was brought forward to June 18th It was an island-wide labour Crisis that involved all industries including Tobago Few people died including a police officer and several were injured This will take us to Charlie King Junction State Intervention ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The Governor came up with a double policy of ‘conciliation’ and ‘repression’ He announced that he would seek a settlement ‘which will be fair to employers and employees alike’ A State of Emergency was declared on June 26th A committee of the Executive Council was appointed to hear the workers’ grievances and seek reconciliation The Governor proposed new rates (minimum wages) for Government Workers Oil companies agreed to raise the minimum wage and shorten working hours A commission of inquiry was also launched into the disturbances Collective Bargaining ? On July 25th 1937 a committee of oil workers publicly announce their intention for a union to conduct negotiations via the process of Collective Bargaining The fact that Trinidad had become the British empire’s largest producer of oil ‘was an important determinant of imperial policy towards the labour disturbances’ By the end of 1937†¦.. ? Six Unions had gained o fficial recognition from the colonial government, they were: – – – – – – Amalgamated Building Wood Workers Trade Union – 1st to register Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) All Trinidad Sugar Estates and Factory Workers Trade Union Federated Workers Trade Union Seamen Waterfront Workers Trade Union Public Works Workers Trade Union The Colonial Government in T ? ? ? ? Governor Fletcher admittedly expressed concern over the extremely low wages paid to workers especially in the sugar and oil industries Nankivell, the colonial secretary was even more outspoken, he pointed out that the cost of living was increasing and the Government’s revenue increased as industries prospered while workers situation had continued to get worse They displayed a more humane view of workers than Employers But it was short lived as pressure from the capital class amounted and Fletcher opted to strengthens laws at the detriment of Trade Unions Impact of the Rebellion in T ? ? ? The commission recommended – the creation of a labour department – the appointment of a labour officer to act as mediator and arbitrator between employer and employees – The establishment of an Industrial Court – An amendment to the workers’ compensation law to include agricultural labourers On the other hand however laws were passed to strengthen sedition, restrain public meeting and public speakers and they also made illegal for more than ten persons to gather in public These represented Labour, legislative and Political reforms and employee rights such as the right to negotiate and air grievances Impact Cont’d ? ? ? ? ? Development of an organised advanced labour movement between 1937 and 1939 Universal suffrage Uniting of races to put forward a class struggle Rienzi established the Committee of Industrial Organisation (CIO) which was a precursor to the TTTUC which formed in 1939 Proliferation of labour r ights as human Rights issues But these civil/human rights did not address the discrimination of women in Labour According to Bolland ? â€Å"The salience of race and class, and their relationship to the structure and fluctuating fortunes of the economy, were central to the emergence of the Labour movement in Trinidad† Industrial Action at its Best ? ? ? ? ? ? Clement Payne referred to a strike put on by women working in a garment factory who were demanding increased wages and better living conditions when negotiations broke down in 1939 After a week of strike other workers from other factories joined in, in sympathy Conciliation had failed Other Unions pledged assistance and supported a boycott of all the stores displaying the clothing Although the employers tried to break the strike by using strike breakers, it did not work They gained 12% wage increase, an eight hour day, 2 weeks annual vacation, protective clothing a system of shop-floor representation Further Organization ? ? ? The OWTU was represented by Rienzi and Mentor at the 2nd Guianese and West Indian Labour Conference in British Guiana The Trinidad and Tobago Trades Union Council was formed in March 1939 and was modelled after the British TUC Scholarships were made available from the British TUC for Trade Unionists to study abroad Moyne Commission (1938 – 1939) Recomme ndations ? ? ? ? ? ? The enactment of laws to protect trade unions from actions for damages consequent on strikes; legalisation of peaceful picketing; compulsory registration of Trade Unions; and audit of their funds Interim Labour departments /officers to cover the period until Trade Unions can play a decisive role in the regulation of wages and conditions of employment The appointment of a Labour Advisor at the Comptroller of the West Indian Welfare Fund who would maintain close liaison with Labour Officers/Departments The establishment of a Labour Department in the Colonial Office and the appointment of a Labour advisory Committee whose members are experts in Labour and colonial questions The creation of wages boards as a means of fixing wages preferable t legislation The establishment of an Industrial Court for the West Indies Moyne Commission (1938 – 1939) Recommendations ? ? ? ? ? The establishment of unemployment insurance Adequate factory inspection and factory legislation The adoption of a Workmen’s Compensation Scheme based on Canadian practice In the sugar industry – the imposition of welfare levies to finance welfare schemes They also recommended the following : – The appointment of women on all Boards and Local authorities which includes government office, judicial office and public office Butler ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Butler was working class and displayed an authoritarian leadership style On May 6th 1939 Butler was released from Prison He was incorporated into the OWTU Despite a clear procedure to deal with grievances and lack of the Union’s support, Butler urged workers to strike As a result he was expelled from the OWTU in August 1939 Butler continued to stir up unrest in the oil belt and was imprisoned until 1945 and continued to lead his BEWCHRP Butler major supporters were in the southern oil belts and they remained faithful to him so much so that the strike called by him in December 1946 was successful Butler was the only Labour leader that made a genuine attempt to unify the masses and was unwilling to compromise with employers and colonial administrators Disunities in the 1940s ? Divisions in the economy – – Imperial Capitalist (sugar and oil industries) Local Capitalist (cocoa, coconut and food crop sector) Indian Indentured labours African Trinidadians Middle Class leaders (Rienzi) Working class leaders (Butler) ? Divisions in the working c lass – – ? Divisions in the labour – – Sectoral Divisions that hampered an Unified Political Movement Divisions by Race African descent Indian Chinese European There were further divisions in terms of class, place of residence and religion. Political Activities in the 1940s ? ? ? ? ? Rienzi and the OWTU launched the Socialist Party of T (SPTT) in March 1941 There were some minor constitutional changes where the number of electives on the legislative council was increased from seven to nine and the number of electives on the executive council was increased to two Chief officers of the OWTU were also members of the TTTUC and in 1943 they advocated for Rienzi’s elevation to the EC This caused Gomes, Pitt and Joseph of the San Fernando Borough to turn against him In November of 1943 Rienzi’s SPTT nominees were defeated in the San Fernando Borough elections Political Activities in the 1940s Cont’d ? ? ? ? ? ? Soon after Pitt and Joseph formed the rival WINP (early 1942) The franchise committee put forward a report but Rienzi had a minority position which was supported by the Governor In February 1944 Rienzi was offered the position of acting Second Crown Council in the Colonial Service, a position he accepted and Rojas succeeded him at the OWTU In 1944 the EC increased to four but the Governor still was not obligated to go on the advise of this council In 1944 there was also the adoption of universal suffrage for all adults over 21 but candidates for election had to be literate in English, with an income not less than $960/yr or property valued at least $5,000. 00 Cipriani died in 1945 Political Activities in the 1940s Cont’d ? ? ? ? ? ? Elections were held on July 1st 1946 by this time Rienzi also exited the political arena In light of these two major losses to the political world new ambitions blossomed, the WINP although formed in 1942 became more active in 1944 and gained the support of the FWTU. In WINP was later converted into the United Front (UF) Some of the TLP leader left the organization and formed the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) both of which had no success in this election Three seats were won each to the UF and BEWCHRP, the SPTT won two and one to an independent candidate The major leaders failed to secure a win There was no self-government at this time Unrest in 1947-1949 ? ? ? ? ? ? The Public Works Union (PWU) called a strike in Port of Spain on January 8th 1947 App. 1200 of Butler’s supporters staged a protest march in through the capital Sugar Workers led by Ranjit Kumar who opposed the Sugar Workers Union went on strike on May 5th 1947 OWTU admitted that the influx of Butlerites strengthened the Union in terms of militancy and size On April 28th 1949 Butler petitioned the Colonial Secretary in the UK and several of his supported protested against the new constitution which allowed for 8 of the 26 seated not to be elected On May Day the TTTUC held a demonstration in San Fernando and Butlers Party held one in Port of Spain Elections 1950 and beyond ? ? ? ? ? ? Elections 18th September 1950 Out of the 18 seats contested Butler’s Party – BEWCHRP won six seats The Trinidad Labour Party (TLP) and Political Progress Group (PPG) won two each, the Caribbean Socialist Party (CSP) won one and the other seven were won by independents, Gomes was the only other leader to be elected Two of the independents joined with the BEWCHRP and thus formed the largest group in the legislature (8 seats) Butler and his members were bypassed for a position of the Executive Council although he deserved it Butler attempted elections again in 1956 but was defeated by Eric Williams and the People’s National Movement (PNM) Industrial Stabilization Act 1965 ? During the early 1960s the industrial relations climate in Trinidad and Tobago was tense. There was an increasing number of strikes and labour disputes which threatened the economic growth and productivity of the country ? ? As a result the Industrial Stabilisation Act, 1965, was enacted Later re pealed and replaced by the Industrial Relations Act , 1972, Chapter 88:01 Industrial Relations Act 1972 ? ? An Act to make better provision for

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home If you’re an experienced pet owner, you know that where theres one flea, there are undoubtedly more. Effective flea control requires treatment of both the pet and the home, including the use of products that address the entire flea life cycle. That will require treating your pet and cleaning your home thoroughly, perhaps more than once.   The Life of a Flea There are many flea species, but the most common one in the United States is  Ctenocephalides felix, commonly known as the cat flea. These parasites thrive off the blood of mammals like cats, dogs, even humans. They love warm, moist places, and they breed like crazy, which is what can make infestations so serious.   Fleas go through four stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch within 12 days of being laid. The larval stage lasts from four to 18 days. During this time, they feed on things like dead skin cells and dander, but they dont bite like adults do. Flea larvae next enter a pupal stage and lie dormant for anywhere from three to five day. Its the adult fleas that are the true pests. Theyre hungry and bite their hosts in order to feed off the blood they draw. Theyre also mobile, capable of leaping from host to host. And theyre prolific. An adult female can begin laying eggs within 48 hours of her first meal, on average 50 eggs a day. And fleas can live for two or three months, breeding until the end. Treating Pets To stop fleas, you need to break their life cycle, which means eliminating the eggs, the larvae, and the adults. Since your pet is the most likely host, start there. Begin by consulting your veterinarian, who can recommend a course of treatment based on your pets health and living situation. Many vets suggest topical products, often called spot-on treatments, or oral treatments. Popular treatments include Frontline Plus, Advantage, Program, and Capstar. These products are usually applied or administered monthly or every few months, and most require a prescription. Its worth pointing out that a small number of pets have an allergic reaction to these treatments, which can be fatal if not treated immediately. The Humane Society of the United States offers safety tips for using flea treatments on its website. Your vet may also suggest bathing your pet with an anti-flea shampoo to kill fleas living on your pets body, followed by a thorough combing with a flea comb to catch any remaining pests. But fleas can be persistent. If your pet goes outdoors, it can pick up new fleas. Likewise, your pet will become reinfested if you dont also treat your home. Cleaning Your Home Remember, the flea eggs drop off your pet. Flea larvae dont feed on blood; they can find everything they need to live in your carpet. After you treat your pet with an approved flea-control product, you need to get rid of the fleas in your carpet and on your furniture. Otherwise, the flea eggs will keep hatching, and you will be fighting a perpetual infestation of hungry fleas. If you act as soon as you notice Fido scratching, you may only need a vacuum and a washing machine for this step. Mild flea infestations can often be managed with some persistent housework. Concentrate your efforts on the areas of your home where your pet spends the most time.   Wash pet bedding, toys, blankets, linens, and throw rugs in hot water. Anything your pet has been on or near that can fit in the washing machine should be laundered. Use the hottest water possible.Vacuum carpets thoroughly. If possible, use a vacuum with a beater bar, as these do a better job of moving the carpet pile and getting to the flea eggs and larvae deep within the rug. Make sure you pick up any clutter; dont just vacuum it. Also, move the furniture and vacuum underneath. Some people recommend putting a flea collar inside the vacuum bag to kill the fleas once youve collected them.Vacuum upholstered furniture. Even if you dont think your pets climb on your furniture, they are. There are probably flea eggs hidden in your couch cushions. Vacuum all the cushions, cracks, crevices, and seams carefully. Remove the cushions and vacuum underneath them, too.Throw away the vacuum bag when done. If you dont, the fleas can escape. If you have a bagless vacuum, be sure to empty it immedia tely after sweeping and get the trash out of your house to prevent reinfestation. For bad infestations, you may also need to do a little more cleaning and use an environmental flea treatment: Vacuum baseboards, trim and other places where fleas may still be hiding. If you didnt catch the flea infestation early enough, or in a year when flea populations are higher than usual, you may need to be more thorough with your housekeeping chores. In addition to vacuuming carpets and upholstered furniture, use a crevice tool to remove fleas from under baseboard molding and kitchen cabinets. Look at the places where your pets eat, sleep, and play, and try to find the places where fleas may still be hiding.Apply a pesticide labeled for flea control to infested carpets and furniture. The key is to use the right product, one that contains an insect growth regulator. For flea control, look for spray products that contain methoprene or pyriproxyfen. These products disrupt the flea life cycle, ending the fleas ability to reproduce in your home. Flea Control Options Both chemical and natural products are available. Raid, Vibrac, and Frontline are three popular brands of chemical flea treatments for the home. Foggers can sometimes be effective, but they require very careful handling and use. Youll need to vacate your home for two or three hours while the fogger is on, plus youll need to clean all cooking and food-prep surfaces and utensils afterward. The Environmental Protection Agency has more tips for safe use of foggers on its website. If you want to avoid using harsh chemicals, there are some natural flea-control solutions as well, but they are often less effective. Vets Best and Nature Plus are two natural brands that earn good consumer reviews. You can also try adding a drop or two of essential oil (such as eucalyptus or lavender) to a spray bottle filled with water, then spraying the mixture on pet bedding, furniture, and rugs. Some experts also recommend spreading  diatomaceous earth on rugs, bedding, and furniture, but it can be difficult to vacuum up. Regardless of the product you choose, follow all directions on the label. Do not apply these products to your pet or your skin. Keep pets and children off of treated carpets and furniture for three days, which will allow the treatment time to work, then thoroughly vacuum. Treat Again as Needed If you still find fleas after following the steps above, you may need to do another round of cleaning and vacuuming 14 to 28 days later. If you live in a warm climate where fleas can thrive outdoors year-round, you may also need to have your yard treated. Dont forget to reapply monthly topical flea treatments to your pets and check regularly for fleas. Use a flea comb on your pets. You can purchase a fine-toothed flea comb at your local pet supply store or at your veterinarians office. Comb your cat or dog regularly, and examine the comb for fleas, flea eggs, or flea dirt which may be a sign of flea bites.Use a lint roller on your clothing. After your cat or dog has been on your lap, do a quick check of your clothing with a lint roller. Use the kind that comes with sticky tape, and roll it over your pants and shirt. Check the sticky tape for evidence of fleas. For all but the most severe flea infestations, these steps should get fleas under control. In some cases, such as when a multi-unit apartment building becomes heavily infested with fleas, the services of a professional pest control specialist may be required to eliminate the pests. Sources Crosby, Janet Tobiassen. The Life Cycle of the Flea. 4 April 2017.  Flowers, Amy. Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home, Step by Step. 18 February 2018.Humane Society of the United States staff. Flea and Tick Product Ingredients.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

ART - Essay Example As a group we invite others in the community to be health conscious and, more often than not, we get positive results. This group does not only help each of us to be physically fit but also to be more at peace with each other and be united for a common good. 23. Political Ideology is a coherent set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of a government held by groups and individuals. The Conservatives believe that the government is best that governs least; big government can only infringe on individual, personal and economic rights; the Liberals, on the other hand, favor extensive governmental involvement in the economy and the provision of social services and take an activist role in protecting rights of women, elderly, minorities, and the environment; while the Libertarians favor a free-market economy and no governmental interference in personal liberties. 24. Civil Society is a society where citizens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as they engage in open debate about public policy. This concept has taken on special importance in recent years in places like Iran and Afghanistan who have been ravaged by war and are in the status of rising again as nations freed from tyranny and dictatorship of their former leaders. 25.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Across Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Across Cultures - Essay Example With this manipulation of elements, a firm can achieve its objectives in the market that it targets. The elements of the marketing mix are â€Å"product, price, promotion, and place, also referred to as the four Ps† (Bennet, pp. 44, 2009). The firm does not manipulate all of these elements to a significant degree every time it is marketing across cultures. However, the selections of elements, which require manipulation, are only possible in the light of the characteristics of the culture. For this reason, examples, such as the ones stated below, can help to elaborate this fact. The management of the marketing effort is also highly affected by the differences in the cultures of the firm's different target markets. The four functions of the marketing management are analysis, planning, function, and control (Maister, pp. 133, 1997). The degree of importance which management gives to each function is dependent on the characteristics of the market that the firm targets. For example , the characteristics of a market existing in one culture may emphasize the importance of planning above all the other functions, while a market in another culture may necessitate the control function to be the one the firm invests in the most. Again, the true effect of the culture on the marketing management can only be understood through in-depth analysis and examples. According to a case study, which studied international marketing by shedding light on Ikea’s operations in Shanghai, they learned that â€Å"the company must think globally and act locally in hope of building long-term customer relationships and capturing customer value. In marketing decisions, culture does not hold an ultimate status but still calls for due attention as much as other factors, such as the marketing environment and the company’s strategic plan† (Pan, pp. iii, 2005). This is an example of such a case, were marketing across several different cultures has led to a difference in the marketing elements employed, and will thus be useful in understanding the phenomenon.  Similarly, one can deduce that the strategic management that a multinational company does is on a global scale, following the rules it abides by in any part of the world. Whereas the local marketing strategies are designed locally, depending on the target market and culture of the country of operation (Doole and Lowe, pp. 218-225, 2008). Product: One of the elements in the marketing mix, which is majorly affected by the culture to which it is being employed in, is the product itself.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Examining switching costs as a moderator in the relationship between Essay - 1

Examining switching costs as a moderator in the relationship between service personalization, customer satisfaction and customer - Essay Example The customers may get time saving in searching, locating and evaluating the alternatives services providers. They do not need to waste their time on learning. They do not need to spend their efforts, while switching to other vendors. In commercial view, customer loyalty is the key precondition for achieving success in e-business (Reichheld and Schefter 2000). Loyal customers benefit firm, since they bring additional revenues but require little attention from organizations. Loyal customers are more likely to forgive services handicaps and decreased price sensitivity. Committed customers generate positive work-of-mouth to others, enhance firms’ resistance to competition, and decrease the costs of selling. As a result, customer loyalty can be treated as a valuable asset. It is also a major source of sustaining continued profitability and organizational growth (Dick and Basu 1994; Anderson and Mittal 2000). The current state of research provides numerous definitions of custome r loyalty. In general level, customer loyalty defines the features and attitudes that consumers exhibit towards products, services, brands, and advertising messages. Customer loyalty signifies customer's willingness to re-buy, repeat patronage behavior over a period of time and a desire to continue and keep a continued relationship with the service providers (Dick and Basu 1994; Oliver 1999). (Anderson and Srinivasan 2003) described customer loyalty as a customer’s favored or chosen provider that leads them to behave positively toward a service provider with repeat patronage behavior. In general, customer loyalty in literature is conceptualized as a form of attitudinal behaviors in marketing and business (Jacoby and Chestnut 1978; Dick and Basu 1994; Oliver 1999; Casalo, Flavian et al. 2008). From an attitudinal perspective, it includes cognitive loyalty and affective loyalty. The customers want sustained relationships with their service providers. From the viewpoint of behavior, cognitive loyalty is a form of repeated patronage that sets the pattern for repeated purchases. Theoretically, whenever customers identify and choose the product or service they like, which meets their quality and price expectations, they are willing to use this product on a long-term basis; as a result, they are no longer concerned with searching for alternatives and become disinterested in competitive and advertising messages and threats. (Oliver 1999). (Oliver 1999) introduced four stage loyalty model; cognitive loyalty is the first stage, which is essentially about the quality of buying behaviors that are affected by customer’s individual characteristics and the circumstances, in which purchase takes place. Customers cannot be loyal to the brand, unless they have information about it. Loyalty develops when customers have sufficient information to decide that the brand is a preferable choice relative to other alternatives. Brand attitudes can be based on pri or knowledge of the brand or brand experiences. Affective loyalty is the second stage, when customers link their knowledge and experiences about the brand to this very brand. Conative loyalty is the third step. This is a very deep commitment by a customer that would like to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay The hospitality industry is a huge and famous industry in this world, and there are multiple areas in this industry. This industry is specialized by training. This gigantic sector includes tourism and tour, traditional hospitality industry such as resorts and hotels, motel and a range of other hospitality services. ( Johnston, 2010). Because of this industry is famous so there is several advantages in this industry. But if we look deep through this industry also got some disadvantages also. The advantage of hospitality industry is that, they afford to provide the full service to their customers. For example, many hotels or resorts are around-the-clock, provide 24-hour operations and staffs are required to work varied shifts and extended hours for their customer satisfaction. Its means they provide the services for their clients all the time. Without bothering the time of the clients ask for the service. For example if any of the clients need foods or any other service at midnight means they can provide all the service to them without any further adore. Besides that, this industry also provides other services such as tour and tourism beside provide only the accommodation service. Mostly the resort department will provide this as their service. It is because mostly the resorts will located at beach site waterfall site. So the people those who are go there can enjoy the beach site by staying there for 2 days or more than 2 days. In this situation, the industry helps their client to enjoy the nature by staying at beach site. The resorts also sometimes will build at jungle site. Those who is interest for stay in jungle for get any deferent experience they can go there and stay there and at the same time can enjoy the jungle life. The hospitality industry is famous for accommodation sector. They provide this sector with multiple categories. For example five star hotel, four star hotels, and three star hotels and so on. So those who are afford to pay the high fee they will choose their standard level hotel such as five star or four star hotels and those who are not afford to pay more fees only for the accommodations for a short period time will choose the lower level hotels. So its shows that this industry provide hotels for all the people according to their living standard. Then glamour myth also a advantage of the hospitality industry. Is means the hotel industry offers you the chance to meet rich, famous and interesting people. So we can meet them at the place where go for rest but at the same time it brings benefit to us. Can get meet any famous person or any important person who are in the same carrier with us. For example, if I ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½m a business person I can get to meet any other business person who is carry on the same business with me, so I can develop my business very well and famous. At the same time they can include scientists attending in-house conferences, foreign tourists, local business people and ordinary everyday citizens. Although you might be able to tell your friends that Hollywoods hottest stars are staying in your hotel, youll probably have to stretch the truth a little to say that you actually talked with them. Celebrities might chat with you like an old friend, out of politeness, only when ordering room service, or not at all. Some may be jovial and even invite you for a drink, while others will treat you with the cool and fun. Furthermore the hospitality industry provides the standard living for their client. They provide services with the standard level such as the rooms that they provide the foods that they provide. They provide the rooms with full furniture and all the equipment. So the client will happily can enjoy all the service of them. So they will satisfy with their service and may be the loyal to the particular hospitality industry. With the advantages of hotel Industry come the disadvantages too. The disadvantage of this industry is long and odd hours. This means that if the client or customer of that particular hotel doesn ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t like early starts or late finishes, then the hotel industry may not be help them. They may make late to help the client purposely. Besides that, pressure, high standards and deadlines also a disadvantages of the hospitality industry. Working for demanding clients and management is not the downside of working in hotels for it is what the industry is all about but you may find that the pressure of guest and management expectations are more stressful than you ever imagined. Pressure and deadlines are intrinsic elements of the industry and the best hotel workers thrive on conquering the challenges and obstacles placed in the way of personal and company objectives. Culture problem also consider as a disadvantage of this industry. Most of the hospitality industry provides their service with the western style but it not suitable for all the clients of them. For example we can take the Malay religion, they cannot eat all the food especially pork at all and they can eat only  ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½halal ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ food so they face some problems. Then also must prepare with at least a special hall for their praying. Because Malays must at the correct time and must carry on the prayer at the special venue which is called as  ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½surau ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ if there don ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t have mosque. So some of the hotel or hospitality management sometimes never provides or forget to prepare all this things to them. Besides Malays, in our country the Indian are sometimes will carry on the vegetarian. So the hotels must prepare the vegetarian foods for them. But they never provide this sometimes. So the clients need to go out site of the hotel for find the foods for them. This shows that the hospitality industry never give important for their clients. As the conclusion, the hospitality industry provides the good service for their client with their variety service. But still this industry needs to improve their service to archive the target of their industry. if they improve all this the customers will get happy and will enjoy with service. Question 2 2.1: Find out the factors that affecting travel and tourism. Explain in detail? Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outsides their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. The word staying suggests that tourists stay at least one night. However must acknowledge that day visitors make a huge contribution to the tourist industry and some regions and organizations choose to include day visitors in statistics. It is acknowledged by the World Tourism Organization that tourism is the fastest growing economic sector, bringing foreign exchange earnings to countries and creating jobs. Jobs are not only created directly in tourism but in related industries, for example in construction. Much tourism development occurs in developing countries, bringing economic opportunities local communities. There are several factors that affecting travel and tourism industry which influence the industry. The first factors that affect this industry are technological factor. Nowadays the technology develops very well. So also develop in travel and tourism. The growth of e-commerce and new transportation affect the travel and tourism industry. Nowadays the travel system develops well for example the buses that use nowadays is full of air-condition service, with video and audio system. Travel and tourism has always been an industry that has made extensive use of new technology equipment. Central reservation system (CRS), the use of computers in travel agencies and sophisticated databases for marketing purposes are now ordinary. Increase in competition within the industry will force organizations to use new technology to the full. New developments in transportation make extensive use of new technology, for example the Channel Tunnel, the advances in aircraft design and opening up new long-hall destinations. Then more develop bus is super VIP bus. This is consisting of all the service to t he passengers. So the passengers can enjoy the traveling period. Furthermore, another factor is, the technology develops until the passengers or the customers can get the information of the travel and tourism industry in internet. The particular agency will update all the information in web so the customers can check easily all the information about their tour and can easily contact to the particular agency. This makes the agency famous among the people because all over the world can access their information and can consider to the particular agency. At the same time also help the customers to get all their information in detail and faster too. Cultural and environmental factors also affect the travel and tourism industry. In the 1980s saw the emergence in Britain of a greater environmental awareness and a society that was beginning to take its health and fitness seriously. These factors are likely to remain important influences on travel and tourism developments in the future with so-called green issues high on the agenda. The political aspect also affects this industry. The security concerns over travel have had a serious impact on the travel and tourism industry. Which are leading to increased business failures in certain situation if the government never invent in this industry. The government must provides all the services to help the industry such as prepare a good road for travel and railway tracks for the rails travel so the travel and tourism industry can easily can safely travel. Then the choice of destination also affects this industry. Most of the customer likes to travel for a famous and enjoyable place. So they must bring out the travel and tourism to a famous popular place, which got a high demand among the people. Then choose of place should be according to the age group. If want to carry on a travel and tourism, must be a place where got a lots of fun and entertainment but if want to carry on for veterans means place should be suitable for them. So they can enjoy the travel with fullest and the affect also will be the positive type. Other than age group category there got other group category also, such as leisure customers, business customers, independent travelers, package holidaymakers. So the travel and tourism must be carrying on according to deferent types customers. Besides that, the rule and regulation also will affect the travel and tourism industry. The travel that ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s going to carry should be following the all the rules and regulations that the government stated and the particular place stated. So it will never affect the customers of them. For example, if the tourism place stated that cannot brings camera or video inside means they should tell earlier to their customer so they may follow the rules and will not affect the agency also. If not the agency may affected because did not follow the rules and regulation. While the customers ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ also wont respect to the agency. At the end the customers won ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t support for the particular industry. The travel and tourism that going to carry on also should be suitable for the season. Because the customers are always like to travel to different destination in a different season. So should carry on the correct travel and tourism event at the correct season. If not it will affect alt the industry. The customer may not will support the agency because they are not giving what they want and they won ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t satisfy with them at all. At last the food and beverage also will affect the industry, even is not a big issue and important in a travel and tourism industry. The foods that they provide to the customers should be good foods which is not expired or spoiled. If not the customer may get anger with their service and will get disappointment with their service. So if a travel and tourism industry wants to be success means, they should consider all the element of the travel and tourism. And must prepare earlier for everything with full of good service for their customer ¿Ã‚ ½Ã ‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s satisfaction. Conclusion As the conclusion, we have learnt about the meaning of hospitality and the stages of hospitality industry development from traditional to advanced stage and learnt that hospitality management means how to cater for people in a friendly and cheerful manner to enable the guest appreciate in services. Besides that, we have learnt about the meaning and the importance of housekeeping Department in hotel, motel, guest how we have learn about the interdepartmental co-operations among various departments of the hotel and the importance of hotel industry in our society. Furthermore, we also learnt the meaning and types of non-commercial hospitality management and the type of organization that is available. Lastly we have learnt and understood the meaning of the layout in hospitality industry and the necessary and important factors to consider when plan to establish this industry.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

nature In Huckleberry Finn :: essays research papers

In his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain conveys his high regard for nature through the use of several rhetorical devices such as personification and tone. Twain changes his tone when describing the Mississippi River from cynical and sarcastic to flowing and daydreaming. This change in tone illustrates his own appreciation for the beauty and importance of nature.Throughout the passage on page 88, Twain uses personification to show the beauty of nature in contrast to the immaturity and repugnant mentality of society. Huck would sometimes wake up to "see a steamboat coughing along upstream" that "now and then would belch a whole world of sparks up out of her chimbleys" which acts like a child without manners. Twain shows how disgusted he is with society by the use of the words coughing and belch. Both words have a negative connotation that lead a reader to think of illness with the use of coughing, and immaturity with the use of belch. "The nice breeze springs up and comes fanning you from over there as a servant to a king in his court, and everything (smiles) in the sun." Twain chooses the word "springs" to describe the action of the breeze because it makes the breeze seem to be present only to comfort. Twain does this to show that nature is for humans to enjoy.The passage on page 88 flows like thoughts during a daydream rather than being written in the short sarcastic style of the rest of the book. "Two or three days...swim by like a fish through the river they slid along so smooth and lovely." Twain shows the dream like quality of this scene by saying the days "swim by". The word swim adds to the mood of the passage by showing how the days flowed by rather than just went by. Jim and Huck "put in the day, layzying around, listening to the stillness".

Monday, November 11, 2019

Healthcare Technology: A Summary Report Essay

In 1992, the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Congress of Nursing Practice supported the recommendation of the Council on Computer Applications in Nursing to officially recognize nursing informatics (NI) as a nursing specialty. The ANA currently defines NI as a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2008). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the current use of healthcare information technology (HIT) in the acute care setting by interviewing a nurse working in HIT and analyze its impact on the professional nursing practice. The Interview Jayne Thompson, RN, BC, MSN is employed at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, Illinois as a Clinical Application Support Specialist. Memorial Medical Center, is a 504 bed, Magnet designated, level one trauma center located in Central Illinois and the flagship hospital of the Memorial Health System, which is comprised of four hospitals and affiliated with Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. A one-hour interview with Jayne was scheduled and held on March 13th 2013 at 7:00 AM in her office. Interviewee Jayne has worked at Memorial Medical Center for twenty-five years and began her career as a staff nurse on the cardiac surgery unit where she developed a passion for nursing research. This led to a position as a research nurse for the Prairie Education and Research Cooperative (PERC) in Springfield, IL where she coordinated clinical trials on cardiac stents. As a research nurse, Jayne’s need for gathering and sharing data spurred an interest in healthcare informatics and in 2008 she enrolled in Walden University’s Masters degree program in Healthcare Informatics. Upon graduation in 2010 Jayne moved into her current position as Clinical Application Support Specialist. In 2012 she completed her certification in Nursing Informatics. Jayne’s responsibilities include ensuring the effective performance of the computer information system, Cerner, which is used within the Memorial Health System. She sees her role as a liaison between nursing and information technology (IT) to guarantee that nursing is represented in decisions that impact clinical systems in the acute care setting. Jayne gathers end users’ (users for which the product is designed) concerns, suggestions and, criticisms regarding the workflow process and brings them to the attention of the IT department. Together they build, trial and implement computer system changes, which are then taken back to the end user. Education and Training The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) describes an informatics nurse specialist (INS) as a master’s prepared nurse. In order to qualify to take the ANCC exam, a nurse must be, at minimum, bachelor’s prepared (nursing or other related field of study), complete a minimum number of hours of work experience and graduate study. Currently two designations for certification in NI are available through the ANCC. Nurses certifying with a baccalaureate degree or higher degree in nursing use the designator RN, BC while nurses certifying with a degree in a related field, i. . computer sciences use the designator RN, C. (Hunt, Sproat, & Kitzmiller, 2004). The nurse, new to an informatics role needs to become familiar with current definitions, literature and know the scope and standards of the profession as established by the ANA (ANA, 2008). Following the completion of her MSN, Jayne needed her role as Clinical Application Support Specialist further defined based on the sc ope of responsibilities and relationships expected for the proposed implementations of the Cerner system. Challenges Jayne sees advancing evidence based nursing (EBN) as one of the biggest challenges facing nursing. The INS must focus on converting available data information into practical, accessible information that can enlighten practice. This is accomplished through alerts and computerized decision support (CDS), which make evidence-based guidelines available at the point of care (Simpson, 2007) Finding the best tools and methods for managing vast amounts of information requires the INS to develop methods for storing data, in both the short and long term and garnering information and knowledge eeded to support clinical practice, research and education. A second challenge facing the INS is the cost of delivering health care. Health care costs are a burden to society as a whole and likely to increase along with the number of uninsured individuals (McCormick et al. , 2007). Of concern is a shortage of registered nurses projected to spread across the country between 2009 and 2030 (American Associat ion of College of Nursing [AACN], 2012). The INS serves as a liaison with nursing and IT in developing technology and providing educational programs necessary to support care delivery. The goal is to optimize the existing and projected nursing workforce and ensure continuing quality of care amid the anticipated nursing shortages. Role of Information Systems â€Å"Informational systems (IS) deal with the development, use and management of an organization’s information technology (IT) infrastructure† (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2012, p. 29). As an INS, Jayne acknowledges that nurses spend the majority of their time providing direct care to patients and hope that an EHR will increase this patient-interaction time and consequently the quality of care delivered. Conversely, providing care requires the documentation of clinical information as an inherent aspect of routine care and is essential from both professional and legal standpoints. Nurses, according to Jayne consider an IS to be efficient if the system reduces their documentation time, even if the time savings do not translate into better patient care. Developing and introducing a new aspect of an IS for clinical practice can be frustrating, according to Jayne who often sees healthcare professionals preferring to work in silos (operating in isolation from others), rather than collaborating with other professionals in related fields of practice. Information comprises a wide range of aspects including patient-specific data, research information and procedure information. IS offer tremendous opportunities to enhance clinical practice and appropriateness of care and to increase efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare organizations (Oroviogoicoechea, Elliott, & Watson, 2008). It is important to develop and refine functional ISs that meet the needs of today’s healthcare industry while evolving to handle future demands of the healthcare community. Role of Privacy Patients cite privacy, together with security, as their issues of greatest concern about electronic records. The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements mandates that nurses protect a patients right to privacy and confidentiality (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2010). The use of an electronic health record (EHR) makes it difficult for an unauthorized person to gain access. According to Jayne, the IT department serves as the gatekeeper for data security. Within the Memorial Health System a provider needs a login name and a password to access the Cerner EHS. Additionally, Cerner maintains an audit trail, required by the privacy rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), that documents who has accessed individual records, as well as what part of the record was viewed. Firewalls and antivirus software protect the organization from hackers and viruses, encryption of data exiting the health system is essential since under (HIPPA) if data is stolen but encrypted the organization is exempt from fines. Physical access to computers and software is a foundation of computer security. Placement of computer monitors, privacy screens and a 30-second time-out feature prevent inadvertent viewing of protected health information (PHI). Greatest Learning EHRs have a huge impact on nursing documentation. Although nurses are the largest group of end-users they have had minimal input in the design of EHRs. The INS works synergistically with nursing and IT to design and implement documentation software, which is integrated into the clinical workflow and functions optimally in clinical practice. If this collaboration does not occur, â€Å"the frustrations of nurses may lead to an ‘EHR–practice gap’ similar to the long-existing ‘theory–practice gap’, or nurses may alter their clinical practice to fit in with rigid systems, thereby losing the heart and soul of nursing as a profession† (Stevenson, Nilsson, Petersson, & Johansson, 2010, p. 70). To ensure that the essence and complexity of nursing are not lost, the INS must be aware of the clinical needs of the nurse and the benefits of the IS which best supports patient care.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Diagnostic Medicine X-Rays, Hi essays

Diagnostic Medicine X-Rays, Hi essays Diagnostic Medicine X-Rays, History, Uses X-ray technology has developed over the past hundred years into a vital technology used in our everyday lives. The mysterious origins of the X-ray date back to the turn of the 19th century when German physicist, Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen stumbled upon this technology. X-ray technology has helped airport security s scan luggage, aid physicists in the study of atomic and molecular structure, and has helped astronomers investigate the astrophysical universe. It has proved invaluable in the fields of astronomy, defense, security, maintenance, and inspection. However, in this report I will focus on the X-rays role in medical diagnostics. In 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen discovered a light wave capable of penetrating certain mediums and allowing an inside look at the human body. Wilhelm, a German professor of physics was performing independent experiments with vacuum tubes and cathode rays, when he happened to notice an object across the room glowing when his cardboard-shrouded tube was charged. Next, he tested paper, wood and aluminum and noticed the same effect. Professor Rntgen realized these rays were invisible electro-magnetic rays, capable of making certain materials glow through his cardboard box and wooden door. He exposed a myriad of objects to these rays, including his weight box, a wire coil and even his gun. Rntgen realized the potential significance of his discovery, and confided in a friend, "I have discovered something interesting, but I do not know whether or not my observations are correct." His prophesy came to fruition one week later when an X-ray photograph of his wifes hand clearly showed her bones and wedding ring. Ecstatic, Rntgen forwarded his report to the president of the Wurzburg Physical-Medical Society. Accompanying his written report he enclosed experimental radiographs and the X-ray image...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jay Gatsby

Jay Gatsby Amman Mahmood 12Jay Gatsby: A Hero like no otherThe definition of the word "hero" has changed throughout the ages. A hero is someone who is recognized for his or her outstanding abilities and who helps people who are in need. A hero is courageous, strong-willed and strong-hearted. A hero is often the main character of the story. Our idea of the word "hero" has indeed changed, but everyone has his or her own perception of who a hero really is. Jay Gatsby who is one of the main characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby is the hero but a dreadful one. When asked about whom a hero really is people tend to have different views. Jay Gatsby has some qualities that question if he really is the hero of the story but again he has some qualities that make him a true hero. Again everyone's definition of hero might be different.The Great Gatsby (1926 film)Ever since Jay Gatsby was a little kid he idolized his mentor Dan Cody an eccentric billionaire. Jay wanted to be all the things that Dan was. He was willing to do anything and rise above anyone to get those things. His road to success had a few bumps on them but he didn't regret it. Those bumps made Gatsby who he was and he wouldn't change a thing. Jay Gatsby was many things but he was not a two faced hero. Gatsby was a bootlegger and he was corrupt. He used to throw lavish parties for his one true love Daisy. Even though Gatsby knew these things were not right he still did it because of love. Everything he did he did for love. He built himself to a person who Daisy would love and gladly accept. He wanted to be the man...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Enviromental Policy and Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enviromental Policy and Regulation - Essay Example As a means of integrating with such a question, this particular essay will analyze the extent to which the Magnuson – Stevens Act of 1976 has helped to protect the environment to which it was intended to preserve. In order to measure the underlying effectiveness of this act, the author will seek to review the determinant components of the Magnuson – Stevens Act, the subsequent amendments and bills that it has given birth to, the level to which the legislation has been able to ameliorate the issues that it set out to address, and the ultimately whether the legislation can be considered a success, failure, or partial success. Firstly, before delving into measuring whether or the legislation has helped to address the issues that it sought to integrate with, it is necessary for the student o provide a thorough overview of all of the aspects of United States fisheries and protected areas that the legislation sought to address. As such, the Magnuson – Stevens Act of 19 76 can ultimately be broken down into the following 5 component parts: Acting to conserve fishery resources Supporting enforcement of international fishing agreements Promoting fishing in line with conservation principles Providing for the implementation of fishery management plans (FMPs), which achieve optimal yield Establishing Regional Fisher Management Councils to steward fishery resources through the preparation, monitoring, and revising of plans which (A) enable stakeholders to participate in the administration of fishers and (B) consider social and economic needs of states As a function of such a broad approach, the bill can be understood to seek to identify with three functional areas of fishery conservation, 1) the international level that seeks to bring the interpretation of international fishery management in line with what the United States projected in domestic law, 2) seeking to engage in an framework for which the federal government could seek to provide a level of ov erarching conservation within the states and territories it was responsible for and finally, 3) seeking to integrate this framework with respect to the many differentiated rules that had developed within the individual states (Tromble, 2012). As with many layers of legislation that have introduced over the years, the ultimate success of the act cannot be understood in a two dimensional explanation of whether it has been effective or whether it has not been effective. Instead, the overall success and result of the Magnuson – Stevens Act of 1976 varies dependent upon the different regions and fish stocks within the United States. However, as a means of the evolving level of success, the government has been able to integrate with amendments to the bill both in 1996 and 2006; thereby the disenfranchised regions of the nation and fish stocks that were still suffering and left out of the specific rubric of the bill have been integrated with in a far more successful manner than was exhibited when the bill was first passed into law. This amendment process signifies a vital component of the legislation that ultimately bequeaths it with a far greater degree of success than it would otherwise realize (Rouch, 2012). Due to the fact that new fisheries are developed and near exhaustion on a regular basis, the bill requires that amendments must be made in order to integrate the current realities of conservation with the law that seeks to protect the component parts of the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

BUSI 2060 Personal Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BUSI 2060 Personal Finance - Assignment Example Second, a whole life policy combines a term policy with a cash investment component. The cover will remain relevant even when she changes employers unlike the group policy. I disagree because a large amount right would mean that she pays higher premiums. This is almost impossible because she has four dependants and her job would not provide adequate income to cover for all the living expenses including the insurance policy (Brown, Chambers & Currie, 2001). A whole life insurance policy is the best guarantee because a percentage of the premium can be used in creating a cash value. Afterwards, the cash value can be used to pay off the entire policy after a few years. A whole life cover is also desirable given that it ensures that a policy holder saves on taxes. Generally, a whole insurance policy would have a high cash value in the event of death and this could mean that dependants will have enough to support them. I disagree with the young couple because the insurance cover is almost half the combined income of the household but does not spread risk. The two couples earn an annual combined income of $57,000 and incur $25,000 as insurance expense. The amount of insurance does cover most of the risks but does not cover for the death of the head of the family (Brown, Chambers & Currie, 2001). Should the man die, the mother of the children will be forced to cover for both her insurance expenses and that of the children. She earns an annual income of $12,000 while the combined insurance expense for the survived family members is $15,000. This means that she will be forced to renegotiate the insurance cover of which it will expose the family members to additional risks. I agree with the retired couple because the surrender value is less than half of the whole life policy. The two do not have dependents and can survive on their pension income as well as their investments. They have reached a late stage in their life and cashing in $12,200 would mean that they